Criss-cross & cards across 3 methods, three effects.

This routine was inspired by the great comedic magicians like George Sands, George Schindler, and Howie Schwartman. The premise and derivation of this effect was influenced by the trick called Triple Cross by Emerson & West.

You are supplied with a half deck of red, and half blue cards, plus 14 roughed card combinations face to face red to blue, and 7 double backed cards.

Effect #1: Two half decks are shown, one blue backed and one red. The magician spreads each half of the deck face down in his hand, then squares the decks up again.

The spectator is asked to pick a number from 1 to 6. Let's say that 3 is chosen.

The magician picks up the blue deck and passes one card from hand to hand to show that there are now three face up cards: The second, fourth, and sixth. The magician closes the card spread and places it on the table.

The red deck is now spread and they are face down. A magical gesture is made and the second, fourth, and sixth card has turned face up in the red deck. Apparently the chosen number of cards have miraculously turned face up in each deck.

The magician now states that not only did the cards turn face up, but they had traveled from one deck to the other. The backs of the three cards from the blue deck are red, and the red decks cards are blue.

Note: you could state the effect in the beginning of the trick, by saying that three cards have traveled from one deck to the other. Show that three cards have arrived, show the first deck again and show that the blue backed cards have turned face down again. Then show the backs of the second deck face up cards to be opposite colors.

Method for effect #1: Use the group of roughed cards. Have 6 roughed cards in each half deck with the correct showing back in each deck. In other words, red side of the pairs showing in the red deck, and blue showing in the blue.

After the spectator has given you his number, ask him to choose a deck. Spread the cards slowly, and show that there is a face up card in between the first three (or whatever number they say), in the deck he chose. Show him that the other deck does not have any face up cards. Square up the decks. Now state that you will make the same number of cards disappear from the one deck and appear in the other. Lift up the deck that had the face up showing (lets say the red backed), and show that there are now no cards face up. Spread the other deck, and show that those cards are now face up. (the cards will have been the same numbers and suits as well). To accomplish this transposition, merely press hard on the roughed cards to make them vanish, and press lightly and separate them when you wish them to appear.

The finale to this is your proof that they are the cards from the first deck, because when you turn them over, they are red backed cards in a blue backed deck.

*MY FAVORITE VERSION-Effect #2: Deal 10 cards from the top of the red deck to the table. Pick up the ten cards and turn them face up and put them back on the deck. Cut the cards several times so that the face up cards are within the pack.

Deal 10 cards from the blue deck, and just place them over and place them on the table. Gesture magically and state that 2 cards will travel from the ten red cards to the ten blue cards.

Thumb through the red deck and find the face up cards. The total will be only eight.

Thumb through the blue pile and find that there will be 12.

The finale: turn over the 2 face up cards and show that 2 are indeed red backed cards in a blue back pile.

Note:the fine subtlety, and the difference between this cards across and others, is that there are no packet add-ons.

Method for effect #2: You are supplied with a group of roughed cards which are face to face. Also, you are given a group of double backed cards.

The set up is as follows: In the red deck, have 8 regular cards face down followed by the group of double backed cards.

The second deck is the blue backed and are set up with 8 regular cards followed by the group of roughed card combinations. blue side up.

To perform:Ask the spectator to name a number from 1 to 7. Lets say the number was 2, ask the spectator to remember that number. Have the two decks on the table. Deal eight cards face down onto the spectators hands, then keep adding 2 more cards (or whatever number the spectator had chosen. These cards will be the double backers.
Tell them to turn the cards face up and place that stack onto the face down deck on the table. Tell the spectator to shuffle the cards (optional).
You then deal the 8 normal cards from the second deck from hand to hand, followed by 2 (or whatever number the spectator chose) roughed cards. Place these cards on the table.

In each pack of cards, you have 8 normal cards followed by 2 roughed or double backed.

What has happened. The spectator turned the first cards over and place them face up on the deck. In doing so, the double backed cards have now been added to the rest of the face down cards. When these cards are spread, you can show that 2 or more cards are now missing from the that group. Beacuse you have shuffle the cards, the double backers are somewhere in the deck and not obviously next to the face up ones (a diversionary tactic).

The next group with the extra roughed cards are counted and kept face down, and you will slide (or split) the roughed cards apart and show that 2 (or more) cards have appeared in between the second batch of cards.

The second punch is when you turn the backs of the 2 face cards to show that they are the red backed cards missing from the first deck.

Method #3: The cards across may also be accomplished using the first set up except with roughed cards in each group (double backed are not used). Have 7 regular cards followed by 7 roughed card combinations red back showing in the red deck and 7 blue side up in the blue.

This time the spectator names a number from 3 to 7. Lets say 3. Deal 10 cards from one pile and as you count, split the last 3 cards which will show 3 face up (attribute this to a magical coincidence).
Deal 7 from the other pile. If 4, then deal 6 cards etc (just subtract the selected number from 10).

You state that you will make 3 cards (or whatever their selection was) travel from one deck to the other.
Make a magical gesture and show 10 cards, by keeping all of the roughed cards together as you count the red cards. Now show 13 cards in the red group, (by splitting three of the roughed cards).

The finale: is to show that the three cards that have arrived in the red deck, are blue backed.

Advanced move requiring another deck of roughed cards method #4: After having the cards travel, ask the spectator to name one of the face up cards. Close the pack. Make sure that the order of the roughed cards in each group are the same. The spectator has named one of the face up cards, lets say an 8. Close each packet. Spread the 10 cards and split one of the pairs (at the appropriate spot) and show an eight has appeared as well. It is the selection. Turn it over and show the blue back. Spread the other cards and show that one of the three face up cards is missing; the number 8 selection.

Some tips: I find that this effect is best performed in the parlor or stage setting, rather than extreme close-up. The roughed cards may be seen to be too thick as you perform under close scrutiny. The advantage of the parlor or stage performance allows you to enlarge your audience, and take the emphasis off of the handling of the cards and makes the count of the cards and the appearance of the face up cards more effective. Of course, you must tilt the cards so that the underside is not visible to the audience.