For Booking information call 321-945-7500 or send MagiClown an e-mail.
Bonzo arrives in
full clown regalia as seen in the Circus, 19” long, red and white wing tip
shoes, full white face make-up and brightly colored costume. The magic he
performs is customized for the event, age group and type of audience he is
performing for. When Bonzo performs, flowers grow, silk handkerchiefs change
color, animals appear, balloons “pop”, juggling balls fly through the air and
everyone has a great time! The children laugh and scream at his antics and
remember him for years to come!
Mr. Reid also performs as two other characters, Foo Ling Yu – Mysterious Visitor from the Orient, and Lester the Jester. Foo Ling Yu does a comedy magic act as a wild and crazy Oriental Wizard. He performs in authentic Oriental costumes doing magic from the Far East. Lester the Jester is a “court jester” character that fits with Mardi Gras and Renaissance Fair themes and the like. He juggles (poorly) does magic (poorly) and generally does everything “in jest.”
Roger L. Reid is a founding member of “The Jersey Comics” Clown Alley in Freehold, New Jersey. He is also a member of Central Florida World Clown Alley #158 and The Long Island Klown Enthusiasts. He has participated in the “Clownfest” convention in Asbury Park and Seaside Heights, NJ for the past 21 years, where he has won “Top Clown” and “Top Magical Clown” Honors! He has trained, at conventions, lectures and alley meetings under such notable clowns as Leon “Buttons” McBride, Jackie LeClaire, Vincent “Vappo” Pagliano, Joe Barney, Marcella “Mama Clown” Murad, Avner “The Eccentric” Eisenberg, Ali Bongo, Bev “Rebo” Bergeron, Marilyn “Marabelle” Caruso and hundreds of other clowns and magicians over 45 years.
Bonzo the MagiClown has been asked to march in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the New York City St. Patricks Day Parade and the Philadelphia Mummers New Years Day Parade!
"Everyone enjoyed your show! The best thing about
is you are as entertaining for the parents as you are for
children. Great job!" Mrs. J.R.
For Booking information call 321-945-7500 or send MagiClown an e-mail.
This site designed and maintained by Magic Ian