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Deceptive Performances

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  • Police Magic DVD
  • Deceptive Performances PDF
  • Deceptive DVD
  • Carnival Cop DVD
  • Carnival Cop PDF
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By Glenn Hester
Deceptive Performances provides valuable insight into the murky world of confidence games. As a veteran law enforcement officer, Glenn Hester gives us the benefit of his expertise and unique insider knowledge. Anyone who reads this book will be well-prepared to spot and dodge a wide variety of scams that are, unfortunately, all too common. James Munton, author, The Con: How Scams Work, Why You're Vulnerable, and How to Protect Yourself
You can get an additional DVD which shows samples of the routines in the Deceptive performances book. The book comes from our publisher the DVD has to be ordered separately at an introductory price of $12 post paid.

Due to the untimely death of Magic Ian, this DVD is not for sale at this time. We are making arrangements to get more soon.

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