1974 was a unique year for me. It was my first year in the magic business. I already had 6 effects on the market (out of the 22 I would eventually have).
I was being offered lectures and convention spots, and all because of a unique style of magic.
So, what could a beginner offer the vast world of artistry? What else, a new prospective on beginner effects.
My lectures consisted of a combination of close-up and platform magic that the pros had long forgotten, and the new magician was just learning.
This was the niche, necessary to success. Virtually all of the other lecturers were cardmen and coin men (they still are). But the appeal I served was the common bond with the beginner, because I made their simple props look professional.
Thumbtips, silks, canes, candles, and routines for all of the junk the dealers sold them that stilled layed in their magic drawer.
This method of singularity still works today, and it can work for you as well.
As an example of basic forgotten effects, take my first book on the "rubber dam". It was eighteen effects with a one effect trick. I called it the "Best Dam tricks", and it sold 5000 copies the first year.
The second book was "Magic with a Steel Ball and Tube", with 36 effects and mini-illusions (10,000 sold to date.)
Both books took a seemingly dull and dead object and gave you 10 minutes of magic. So, this is what you want for your own lecture, or club presentation. Find a move with anything, and expand on it.
This had been my success, 22 effects each with 4 stars in Genii, 5 booklets on basic stuff, and I am still writing.
If you would like a free online copy of my latest book, "Haunted pack: book of revelations" just press the link.
The Magical Connection
When you read any of my booklets, they take known principals of magic and apply them to the object at hand. For instance, in the Haunted book, the haunted deck not only moves cards magically, but feeds cards out of the deck. So I use the deck to feed cards into a palm position from the center of the deck. The produce the selected card as a production single (check out the book).