This little effect was introduced at my lectures in the 70's, at one lecture I only had a few with me. I showed it and
asked that if there was any interest, to see me after the lecture. One fellow asked how much it was and I said Five. He then
proceded to hand me $500. I told him that although the effect was baffling, the cost was $5 no $500.
In any case, a spectator is asked to find any complete deck of cards and shuffle them. I would not touch the deck, but
they would deal me three cards off of the top of the deck.
I rearranged the cads in my hand and showed the fan to the spectator asking him/her to memorize the order.
I then squared the cards up and layed them onto the table. I asked what each card was, and the spectator would turn over
two of the cards. The last card would be named, but iupon turning over that card, it was a different card.
The specator was asked to look in the deck they still had and the missing card would be found in the pack.
Click to buy - $5