Universal Utility Clip:

A hidden device that will hold a jumbo coin, cigarettes, scarfs, rope, a full deck of bridge-sized cards
or stocks of cards for productions. Conceived in 1978, deisgned with Jeff McBride in mind as a way to retrieve card stock
from thin outfits. As the product developed, pros like Paul Gertner, Irv Weiner, and Lance Burton started using it as their
secret utility. A simple yet versatile secret gimmick. Used by the International stars of magic, widely copied and modified.
Although this item can be bought unmodified, the setup and alteration makes this original and effective. Three stars in Genii
(4 stars were only given to effects). Featured in Tannens Catalog in the 80's, distributed by all the major wholesalers, now
only available here! Buy the original!!~~~YOUR PRICE...$5
1979 magic-Ian
here to Buy one or more at $5
here to Buy 3/$12|
here to Buy a Gimmick pack of 3 clips and 4 match pulls for $20 (a $37 value)